Bank Notes

Sometimes carrying around tons of items can be annoying. With bank notes though you can stack together all of one type of item. For example if you are selling 500 iron ore it would normally take dozens of trips to trade it to the other person. instead of doing that you can withdraw the ore as bank notes and trade it all at once. To withdraw an item as a bank note it must be in the bank, just check the note button on the bottom of the bank screen and anything you withdraw will be in bank notes. not only do bank notes let you stack a whole bunch of one type of items to gether it also makes them weigh nothing, good if you are going to be running around. You can also withdraw a whole bunch of bank notes and sell them at a store, you will get the same price as the item would if it wasn't noted. The single downside to noting is that you can't use a noted item, so you have to go to a bank and un-note it if you plan on using it. To un-note something just deposit it in the bank and withdraw it without the note button switched. If you are in a rush you could always sell your noted items and buy them back, but that wastes money and someone else might buy them before you can.

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