Fight Arena

Requirements: The ability to defeat enemies up to level 137.
What You Need: Around 550gp, any items you want to help you win the fights

The Start-

To start the quest speak to lady found slightly northwest of the Fight Arena, which is located south of Ardougne. When you talk to her she will tell you that her family is missing. Tell her you will help and she will tell you that her family was kidnapped by General Khazard. Now head to the northern-most building of the fight pits and search the chest inside to find Khazard armor. Put the armor on then head south to the prison. Talk to Jeremy Servil and he will tell that the guard has the keys for the prison. Head to the southwest corner of the prison and talk to the guard, who will tell you that he falls asleep when he drinks Khali Brew. head to the Tavern west of the Fight Pits and talk to the barmen to purchase a Khali Brew. Take the brew to the Guard and you will be able to get the keys from him.


Head back over to where Jeremy is and use the keys on his cell door. You will end up in the fight pits, where you must rescue Jeremy's father. Kill the Level 63 Ogre that you find and general Khazard will tell you that if you manage to defeat him, he will let the Servil's go. You will then be taken back to a cell. Talk to Hengrad and soon you will be back in the Fight Arena once again. First you must defeat a level 44 Scorpion, then a level 137 bouncer. Then you will fight General Khazard, who is level 112. Although you can just run away at this point and it won't make a difference. Now head back to Lady Servil and talk to her to get your rewards!



Khazard Armor

1000 Gp

12,175 Attack XP

2,175 Thieving XP

2 Quest Points

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