Babyblaudrache |
| Stufe: 48 | Nur für Mitglieder: Ja | Rückzug: Nein | Aggressiv: Ja |
Trefferpunkte: 500 | Maximaler Schaden: 54 | Berserker EP: 50 | Giftig: Nein |
Untersuchen: Er ist jung, aber trotzdem gefährlich. |
Droppt immer: -1 Babydrachenknochen |
Location: Taverly Dungeon: Agility 70 or Dusty Key needed. You get the key further in the dungeon. |
Other Info: Baby dragons don't breath fire but there are full sized blue dragons in the same area. |
Contributors: KaBob799 |
Zur Beachtung: Our database is missing many monsters and has incomplete information (especially drops!). You can help us out by submitting info to the forum.